For Body, Mind & Soul
BlessFest creates live and virtual gatherings for the expansion and evolution of human consciousness. It embraces ancient and contemporary sacred wisdom traditions and produces events aiming to forge greater joy, well being and remembrance of our true nature.
BlessFest encourages us to face challenging aspects of being human with compassion, self inquiry, tolerance and equanimity. It shares thoughtful visions on how we realize a more sustainable, just, healthy and loving world. It is a community that joins together to celebrate heart centered song, kirtan, yoga, dance, embodiment, poetry, storytelling, dharma talks, meditation, art, and wisdom . At BlessFest we come together sharing in these sacred arts of our time for a revolution of the heart. BlessFest is committed to having all of its events benefit various non-profit organizations doing important work in our world.
Online Events
As our world struggles to find balance environmentally, politically, economically and spiritually BlessFest is committed to create meaningful and supportive online events. These events uplift the spirit and stir the remembering of our connected nature while at the same time raising money for our artists as well charity organizations doing meaningful work in the world with environments and populations in need. BlessFest receives no financial profit from these donation based events.
Like all of us, we at BlessFest have had to make challenging decisions about the best ways to proceed within the parameters of the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Unfortunately, we think for many reasons it is best at this juncture to postpone all physical gatherings of BlessFest until 2022. This decision has not been easy to make, as we love to join together and sing and dance and play and make music and share in community.
Given the long-term effort needed to host BlessFest events and the unpredictability of just about everything right now, this does seem like the wisest decision we can make for all of us.
The good news is we have some very epic new exciting things happening in 2022 with BlessFest. We will share these with you soon.